SCCP-149: Update Atomic Swap Parameters
Author | |
Status | Implemented |
Type | Governance |
Network | Ethereum |
Implementor | TBD |
Release | TBD |
Proposal | Closed – 8 vote(s) sYES - 2iNO - 6 |
Created | 2021-12-04 |
Simple Summary
This SCCP proposes to increase the volume per block on all atomic exchanges to sUSD 5 million per block.
The cap sets the maximum synth exchange volume per block in sUSD being traded using the atomic exchange contract.
The primary motivation is to improve the attractiveness of the atomic exchange product, as larger block trades make more financial sense for arbing and trading on L1, given the gas fees. Analysis done shows that is relatively safe to increase the volume per block without increasing the risk on the snx stakers significantly.
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